Yuxin Yin, MD, PhD 尹玉新教授 Professor of Pathology Dean of Pathology Director, PKU Institute of Systems Biomedicine Peking University Health Science Center yinyuxin@bjmu.edu.cn Funded JI Projects Michigan-Peking Cancer Biomarker Collaborative
Peng Yuan, PhD Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Peking University Health Science Center Funded JI Projects Single-cell and spatial analyses of male germ cell development to advance understanding of idiopathic infertility in Chinese and American populations
David Zacks, MD, PhD Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences University of Michigan Medical School davzacks@med.umich.edu Funded JI Projects Gaining insight into retinal cell death: rational drug development through vitreous proteomic analysis
Youyi Zhang, MD, PhD 张幼怡教授 Associate Director Department of Cardiology and Institute of Vascular Medicine Peking University Third Hospital zhangyy@bjmu.edu.cn Funded JI Projects β-adrenergic Receptor in Cardiac Injury and Atherosclerotic Plaque Stability: Role of NADPH Oxidase 4 (NOX4)
Jifeng Zhang, PhD Research Associate Professor, Internal Medicine University of Michigan Medical School jifengz@umich.edu
Haoming Zhang, PhD Research Associate Professor Department of Pharmacology University of Michigan Medical School haom@umich.edu Funded JI Projects Overcoming Racial and Metabolic Heterogeneity in Antiplatelet Therapy
Ning Zhang, PhD 张宁教授 Vice President Peking University Health Science Center Funded JI Projects New Strategy to Identify, Validate, and Eliminate Heterogeneity for Personalized Cancer Therapy of Breast Cancer or Liver Cancer
Hongquan Zhang, PhD Professor and Director, Peking University Cancer Precision Medicine Program Peking University Health Science Center Funded JI Projects Clarifying mechanisms of lineage plasticity in prostate and breast cancers
Yan Zhang, MD 张岩教授 Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine Department of Cardiology Peking University First Hospital Funded JI Projects The Role of Hematopoietic Factors in Atherosclerotic Vascular Diseases Blood Pressure and Hypertension Genetics
Hong Zhang, MD 张宏教授 Professor of Internal Medicine Peking University First Hospital Funded JI Projects Shared and Disease-specific Genetic Study among IgA Nephropathy, Henoch-schonlein Purpura Nephritis and Lupus Nephritis
Luxia Zhang, MD 张路霞教授 Professor of Renal Division Peking University Institute of Nephrology Peking University First Hospital Funded JI Projects Comparison of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes between China and United States Understanding the Heterogeneity in the Risk for Diabetes Complications in China and U.S. Building a Learning Health System for Kidney Disease through Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record Data in Yinzhou China
Zhe Zhang, MD 张喆教授 Professor of Cardiac Surgery Vice Director, Department of Cardiac Surgery Peking University Third Hospital Funded JI Projects Identify Smooth Muscle Cell Specific Protein as Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Acute Aortic Dissection Multi-ethnic Study of Genetic Risk Factors to Discover Mechanisms of Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection
Minghui Zhao, MD 赵明辉教授 Renal Division and Institute of Nephrology Peking University First Hospital Funded JI Projects Towards Molecular Prognosis of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in UMMS and PUHSC Defining Molecular Mechanisms and Biomarkers for Progressive Renal End Organ Damage in Vasculitis
Kai Zheng, PhD Co-Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics Associate Professor of Informatics University of California, Irvine
Lemin Zheng, PhD Vice Chair & Professor, Institute of Cardiovascular Science Peking University Health Science Center Funded JI Projects Discover novel therapeutic targets for aortic aneurysm and dissection through data mining and experimental models
Ya'an Zheng, MD 郑亚安教授 Professor of Emergency Medicine Peking University Third Hospital z.y.a@medmail.com.cn Funded JI Projects Rapid Bacterial Identification and Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing in Patients with Sepsis by Chiroplasmonic Nanorod PCR (NR-PCR)
Chao Zhong, PhD Professor, Institute of System Biomedicine School of Basic Medical Sciences Peking University Health Science Center Funded JI Projects Evaluating Lymphangiogenic Potentiation In Cancer Immunotherapy
Jiye Zhu, MD 朱继业教授 Director, Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery Peking University People's Hospital Funded JI Projects Image-Guided Surgery of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Weiping Zou, MD. PhD Professor of Surgery Michigan Medicine Funded JI Projects Evaluating Lymphangiogenic Potentiation In Cancer Immunotherapy