Hongkui Deng, MD 邓宏魁教授 Professor of Cellular Biology Peking University Health Science Center hongkui_deng@pku.edu.cn Funded JI Projects A Chemical approach to Generating Patient-specific Cardiac Stem Cells for Cell Therapy against Cardiovascular Disease
Robert Dickson, MD Assistant Professor Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Department of Internal Medicine University of Michigan Medical School rodickso@umich.edu Funded JI Projects Rapid Identification of Pathogens in Ventilator-associated Pneumonia Using Real-time Metagenomics and Real-time PCR
Jie Ding, MD 丁洁教授 Professor of Pediatrics Vice President Peking University First Hospital Funded JI Projects Prevention of Kidney Failure in Alport Syndrome by Application of Podometric Technology
Shigang Ding, MD 丁士刚教授 Professor and Director Department of Gastroenterology Peking University Third Hospital Funded JI Projects Malic Enzyme Dependence is a Therapeutic Vulnerability in Pancreatic and Gastric Cancers
Qian Dong, MD 董倩教授 Associate Professor, Radiology Director, Medical Student Education Musculoskeletal Division University of Michigan Medical School bingch@med.umich.edu Funded JI Projects Imaging Biomarkers for Staging and Assessing Response to Therapy in Multiple Myeloma
Yanmei Dong, DDS, PhD 董艳梅教授 Professor and Educational Director School of Stotamology Funded JI Projects Nanobubble water combined with apyrase as root canal irrigant inhibits biofilm and virulence of Enterococcus faecalis
Yujun Dong, MD 董玉君教授 Professor of Hematology PKU First Hospital Funded JI Projects The role of endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation (ERAD) in antigen presentation and immune evasion of multiple myeloma cells
Yali Dou, PhD Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Biological Chemistry University of Michigan Medical School yalid@med.umich.edu
Liping Duan, MD 段丽萍教授 Vice President Peking University Health Science Center Funded JI Projects Effects of Diet and Genetic Factors on Gut Dysbiosis in IBS
Daniel Eitzman, MD, PhD Professor of Internal Medicine - Cardiology University of Michigan Medical School deitzman@med.umich.edu Funded JI Projects Overcoming Racial and Metabolic Heterogeneity in Antiplatelet Therapy
Yun Feng, MD, PhD Chief Physician and Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Peking University Third Hospital Funded JI Projects Gene Editing therapy for Usher Syndrome Type IIA
J. Brian Fowlkes, PhD Professor of Radiology Professor of Biomedical Engineering fowlkes@umich.edu Funded JI Projects Optimization of Limb Salvage Strategy for Critical Limb Ischemia Using Quantitative Vascular Imaging Biomarkers
Charles Friedman, PhD Chair, Department of Learning Health Sciences Josiah Macy Jr. Professor of Medical Education Division Chief, Learning and Knowledge Systems Professor of Information, Public Health University of Michigan Medical School cpfried@umich.edu Funded JI Projects Building a Learning Health System for Kidney Disease through Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record Data in Yinzhou China
Santhi Ganesh, MD Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Division of Cardiovascular Medicine University of Michigan Medical School sganesh@umich.edu Funded JI Projects The Role of Hematopoietic Factors in Atherosclerotic Vascular Diseases Blood Pressure and Hypertension Genetics
Wei Gao, MD 高炜教授 Director, Department of Internal Medicine Peking University Third Hospital Funded JI Projects EMERALD-HF: Evaluation of MinERalocorticoid antagonists in ALdehyde dehydrogenase type 2 Deficiency
Michael Geisser, PhD Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Co-Chair, Medical School Institutional Review Board University of Michigan Medical School mgeisser@umich.edu
Kan Gong, MD, PhD 龚侃教授 Professor of Urology Peking University First Hospital gongkan_pku@126.com Funded JI Projects Comprehensive Molecular Profiling of Renal Cell Carcinoma
Yan Gu, DDS, PhD Professor of Orthodontics Vice Chair of Orthodontics Peking University School of Stomatology guyan96@126.com
Kyle Gunnerson, MD, FCCM Associate Professor Director, Emergency Critical Care Center Department of Emergency Medicine University of Michigan Medical School kgunners@med.umich.edu Funded JI Projects Risk-adjusted Outcome Prediction Tool for Emergency Department Intensive Care Unit Patients
Jianping Guo, MD, PhD 郭建萍教授 Professor of Rheumatology and Immunology Peking University Health Science Center jianping.guo@bjmu.edu.cn Funded JI Projects LILRA3 as a novel regulator of thrombioinflammation in antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
Margaret Gyetko, MD Professor of Internal Medicine (Emeritus) University of Michigan Medical School mgyetko@umich.edu Funded JI Projects Analysis of the Microbiome in Smokers without COPD and with COPD: Comparisons between U.S. and Chinese Populations
Sue Hammoud, PhD Associate Professor of Human Genetics Associate Professor of Urology Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Funded JI Projects Single-cell and spatial analyses of male germ cell development to advance understanding of idiopathic infertility in Chinese and American populations
Bei He, MD 贺蓓教授 Professor of Pulmonary Medicine Director of Respiratory Diseases Center Peking University Third Hospital puh3_hb@bjmu.edu.cn Funded JI Projects Analysis of the Microbiome in Smokers without COPD and with COPD: Comparisons between U.S. and Chinese Populations Compartmental Analysis of Metabolite Profiles Associated with Disease Phenotypes in Chinese and US Smokers with and without COPD
Yongqun (Oliver) He, PhD Associate Professor, ULAM Microbiology and Immunology University of Michigan Medical School yongqunh@umich.edu Funded JI Projects Systemic Investigation of the Microbiome-host Interactions in H. pylori-associated Gastric Cancer Patients
Yuan Hong, MD, PhD 洪源教授 Professor Peking University First Hospital hongy@bjmu.edu.cn Funded JI Projects Identification of Tumoricidal T Cell Receptors from Hepatocellular Carcinomainfiltrating CD8+ T Lymphocytes